Friday, October 10, 2014

Calculating CPI

Assume that in the “base year” (2006) the total expenditures were
 $48,398 for a family of four.
48,398  = 1 (rate of change).  1 x 100 = CPI of 100
Then, the 2007 total expenditures for the family were $48,898
48,398 = 1.01 (rate of change).  CPI = 101
Therefore:  Inflation would be =
101 – 100        1      
    100       = 100 =  .01 (x 100) = 1% inflation for the year
College Tuition for me versus you:
Mine  =  approx  $  1,200 a year
Yours =  approx $ 12,000 a year
12,000 – 1,200       10,800
    1,200      =      1,200   = 9 (rate of change) x 100 = 900% Inflation
Tuition for your children
x – 12,000

  12,000     = 9 (rate), = x-12000 = 108,000, x = $120,000 a year

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